My friend and I recently had a e-mail discussion about the fallacy of Prince Charming. She's under the impression that he's still out there and therefore believes that since I am disillusioned with this concept I must be with the wrong guy. I must be doing the dreaded deed of "settling." Ack! The horror!
Anyway, I informed her that it is not that I don't believe in fairy tales, it just that I'm more inclined to identify with Shrek and Fiona than Cinderella and the Prince. And frankly I feel this is a more realistic ideal.
I spent my whole life waiting to be rescued and magically turned into a princess, but what I found when I found my man was something better. I found someone who saw the ogre in me and loved me even more. Someone who loved me for me and never asked me to be "a somebody," but to just be happy. And to order Chinese food when he's too hungry to decide. And to volunteer at beer festivals to get free admission and a cool t-shirt. And to go to beer meetings and taste mead for him. And to stay up until 2am and bottle beer with him. And to drill holes in the bed of a early bronco in order to attach the roll cage. And to drive topless in a jeep wrangler to the beach (no I wasn't topless, the jeep was). And a whole lot of other things that I resisted, but now that I look back I find I'm richer for the experience.
Oh and I found that I always was a princess. I didn't need a prince to tell me that.
Nat I also do not beleive in the fairy tale version of Prince Charming for several reasons but the simplest is the mathematical one. There simply aren't enough princes to go around. In the days of fairy tale writers there was one prince for the 500,000 or so prince-wanters. Those are not good odds. For those that do not snag the prince we have to be content with someone who may have some princely charcteristics and qualities (our own discerning minds can figure out which qualities are most important, see your list below). In any case one can still be incredibly happy without the prince but with someone who exhibits those qualities that we deem important.
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